Meet the Artists

Seed Artist Profile: Swiss Chard by Nina Rossi

Artist designed packets of USDA organic Fordhook Swiss Chard from Sow True Seed Asheville NC.

Swiss Chard Seed Packet Art

Nina Rossi of Turners Falls, Massachusetts was selected to design the artwork for three of our Swiss Chard seed packets.


Artist designed packets of USDA organic Fordhook Swiss Chard from Sow True Seed Asheville NC.


Artist designed packets of USDA organic Ruby Red Swiss Chard from Sow True Seed Asheville NC.


Artist designed packets of Rainbow Blend Swiss Chard from Sow True Seed Asheville NC.


What is your favorite vegetable to eat and why?

I love green beans if they have been frenched and lightly cooked, sauteed or steamed, with butter. They are just very delicious!!

What is your favorite vegetable to grow and why?

I think eggplant are so miraculous and beautiful when they grow.

Why did you choose the medium you used for the packet design?

I was looking for something very saturated and glittery and attractive. Chard didn’t seem like easy items to paint, with all the folds and ripples, so going with a “flat” appliqué treatment was a way out of realism. I created the contrast of the glittery effect with oil paint on the stainless steel that surrounds them.

What is your favorite medium to work with and why?

I like starting my pictures with a base of wood so that I can nail things down to it. I enjoy making sculpture with clay, paper, fabric, junk parts, whatever. I would have to say that my favorite material is the one I think matches the message I am working on at the time!

Why were you excited about this project?

It got me making something I wouldn’t have thought of doing.

What is your favorite flower and why?

I love poppies, with their big floppy petals, luxurious colors, and curious seed pods.

Do you have anything else you want to share with potential customers?

I hope people will read my stories on my web site and learn all about me there, and go to my easy store from the website if they like my work as well.

See more of Nina Rossi’s work:

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