Corn Seeds

Vegetable Seeds
The storied grain of the Americas has stood witness to the rise and fall of civilizations for thousands of years. Now, this botanical heritage is becoming threatened as open-pollinated corn has become increasingly difficult to find over the last 15 years. To protect this threatened species, we go to great lengths to source high quality, open-pollinated seed. Nutrients: Protein, vitamins C and A, thiamin, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium.

Companions: beans, squash, melons, peas, amaranth.

Showing all 1 results

Flint Corn Seeds - Pennsylvania Dutch Butter Flavored Popcorn, ORGANIC

Zea mays HEIRLOOM. Grow your own popcorn that’s so flavorful, you’ll hardly need butter! Growers widely agree that this is the best popcorn they’ve ever tasted. Vigorous, 8-foot-tall stalks produce...