Xerochrysum bracteatum If you've never grown strawflowers, you are in for a treat! Large flowers bloom from spring through frost for an abundance of purple, red, rose, yellow, and white...
Basella alba v. rubra Thick glossy leaves grow in the heat of summer on this annual vine, keeping up a steady supply of delicious leafy greens when all the others...
Tetragonia tetragonoides HEIRLOOM. This leafy green relishes hot weather so plant in spring for a nutritious summer harvest. Soak seeds 24 hours before planting. Harvest the young plant tips for...
Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A heavy yielding patty pan squash which starts out pale green and changes to a smooth white finish when left on the plant. Excellent flavor and...
Cucurbita pepoORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Bush type plant produces high yields of straight green-nearly-black zucchini. A thin glossy skin gives way to creamy tasty flesh. Harvest when fruit is 6-8".
Cucurbita pepoHEIRLOOM. Features slender fruits with light and dark-green stripes on smooth, thin skins. Outstanding flavor with a dense flesh. Harvest when less than 10" long.
Cucurbita pepoHEIRLOOM. The most popular of straight neck squashes, this lemon yellow fruit has crisp, firm texture. Best when harvested 5-6" long.
Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A popular bright yellow summer squash with a graceful arch in the neck. Harvest when skin is still pale yellow at 6-8" long for best flavor....
Cucurbita pepo HEIRLOOM -These squash have the flavor of zucchini, but the color of sunshine. Great for mixing up the colors in zucchini relish or market displays. Expect slightly lower...
Cucurbita pepoHEIRLOOM. A stately French heirloom squash with round green and white mottled fruit. Pick when smaller than a baseball. Perfect for stuffing or serving cream of zucchini soup!
Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. Very productive cheery yellow patty pan squash that is best picked when small enough to fit in your hand. Less attractive to squash bugs than other summer...
Cucurbita moschata HEIRLOOM. Tromboncino squash, also known as zucchetta, grow loooong necks which curl in fanciful shapes. Fruits are best when harvested at 8 to 18 inches long, and have a...
Helianthus annuus Why choose? Try our stunning mix of heights and colors. Mix contains: Autumn Beauty, Sunspot Dwarf, Evening Sun, Large Grey Stripe, Lemon Queen, Sungold Dwarf, Sungold Tall, Velvet...
Helianthus annuus Striking, late blooming, multi-headed, two-tone flowers. Copper red centers fade to yellow petals with a lot of enjoyable variation. Good cutting flower and lovely ornamental. Plants grow 5-7'...
Helianthus annuus Carousel is a multi-branching, bushy dwarf sunflower that only grows 3 to 4 feet tall, but becomes covered in multiple 4- to six-inch lemon yellow blossoms - great for...
Helianthus annuus Add some Gothic drama to your garden! The Chocolate Cherry Sunflower has a deep range of color, from deep obsidian to rich chocolate, this resplendent show stopper is...
Helianthus annuus HEIRLOOM. The Lemon Queen Sunflower deserves their lemon tipped crown as a staple garden showstopper. These alluring poly-headed sunflowers thrive in the garden with five to six inch...
Helianthus annuus Long-blooming, large-headed, archetypal giant sunflower. Easy-to-grow. Sturdy 6-12' stalks with big yellow-petaled flowers. Often grown for their meaty seeds, good for roasting or bird seed. Direct seed in...
Helianthus maximiliani A beautiful native perennial that blooms in August and September. Features clusters of 3-4" wide showy, bright yellow flowers and grows a statuesque 3-10' tall. A great landscape...
Helianthus annuus ORGANIC. Flower stalks can reach a whopping 14 feet tall in 4 months! Huge 16-18 inch heads bear some of the finest eating seeds we've tried. This sunflower...
Helianthus annuus Magnificent 10" blooms with bright yellow petals on 2' tall plants. Excellent cut flower. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. Summer to fall blooming. Annual....
Helianthus annuus Just about the cutest sunflower you could possibly grow! Darling golden yellow petals resemble the soft cuddly texture of a fuzzy teddy bear.Teddy Bear Sunflowers are a lovely...
Helianthus annuus Beautiful 5-6' tall plants. Velvety, multi-headed deep rust-colored 4-6" blooms with mahogany centers. Can be staked for support. Good fresh market cut flowers. Direct seed in full sun...
Zea mays HEIRLOOM. Bucking convention, the kernels form in a random pattern, as opposed to the usually tidy rows found on most other ears of corn. An old timey shoepeg...