Summer Squash Seeds - Golden Zucchini

Cucurbita pepo HEIRLOOM -These squash have the flavor of zucchini, but the color of sunshine. Great for mixing up the colors in zucchini relish or market displays. Expect slightly lower...

Pole Bean Seeds - Cherokee Trail of Tears

Phaseolus vulgaris HEIRLOOM The Cherokee Trail of Tears bean memorializes the forced relocation of the Cherokee Indians in the mid-nineteenth century. They carried this bean throughout this infamous walk, which...

Okra Seeds - Aunt Hettie's Red

Abelmoschus esculentus HEIRLOOM. This very rare Tennessee heirloom produces plump, glossy pods with a bright burgundy finish. Plants grow to 4-5’ high and are very ornamental. Pods are tender and...

Asparagus Bean Seeds - Yard Long Red Seeded

Vigna unguiculata One of the true marvels of the bean world! These prolific vines grow slender, green pods up to two feet long, though they are most tender when harvested...

Nasturtium Seeds - Alaska Mix

Tropaeolum nanum Flowers are a nice mix of yellow, crimson, orange, salmon, and cherry with equally striking variegated leaves. Flowers and leaves are both edible with a good, peppery taste....

Okra Seeds - Perkins Long Pod

Abelmoschus esculentus More okra per pod! For the grower and eater who are planning to slice up large coins to fry or stew, this variety produces big, bright green pods...

Marigold Seeds - Naughty Marietta

Tagetes patula A French marigold variety. Bright yellow blooms with streaked mahogany centers. Plants have varying heights between 12-18" which creates an informal look in gardens. Summer to fall blooming....

Winter Squash Seeds - Candy Roaster Melon

Cucurbita maxima HEIRLOOM. A North Carolina original and part of the Slow Foods Ark of Taste! Large, rampant vines produce 12-14 lb fruits. Produces delightfully warty, buttercup-shaped fruit, with pinkish-orange...

Cleome Seeds - Spider Flower

Cleome hassleriana Also known as the Spider Flower, cleome plants are topped with interesting clusters of 4-8 in. wide, spindly flower heads that are LOVED by hummingbirds! Plants are deer...

Carrot Seeds - Red Core Chantenay

Daucus carota HEIRLOOM. This carrot gets sweeter with age - can the same be said for all of us? One only hopes. Regardless, this old favorite variety has a wide-shouldered,...

Okra Seeds - Hill Country Red

Abelmoschus esculentus HEIRLOOM. Plump, squat pods are bright green with red tips. Full, delicious flavor and great for pickling. Lovely red-stemmed, green leaf plants grow 4-6', produce well, and are drought...

Pumpkin Seeds - Dutch Fork

Cucurbita moschata HEIRLOOM. An original Cherokee heirloom sometimes referred to as Old Timey Cornfield Pumpkin, Dutch Fork was once the premier pie pumpkin in much of the Carolinas. It has...

Southern Pea Seeds - Pinkeye Purple Hull

Availability date currently unknown Vigna unguiculata The world's most popular Southern Pea! Pinkeye Purple Hull Southern Peas produce heavy yields of purple pods that contain creamy colored peas with maroon...

Southern Pea Seeds - California Blackeye

Vigna unguiculata HEIRLOOM. The constant productivity of these peas will certainly earn them a permanent place in your garden! Vines are resistant to wilt and nematodes. The peas have a...

Dill Seeds, Dukat

Anethum graveolens High oil content creates a delicate fragrance and fine sweet leaves that hold well. Easy-to-grow dwarf variety grows 12-24" tall. Direct seed in spring or late summer. Moderately...

Sage Seeds, White

Salvia apiana Also known as bee sage or sacred sage, White Sage is an aromatic evergreen perennial herb Native Americans use to make smudge sticks. Bushy plants grow up to...

Summer Squash Seeds - Bennings Green Tint, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A heavy yielding patty pan squash which starts out pale green and changes to a smooth white finish when left on the plant. Excellent flavor and...

Black Eyed Susan Vine Seeds

Thunbergia alata Masses of blooms all summer and large, lush foliage that looks very full and bushy but never gets out of hand. Ideal for growing up through fences and...

Melon Seeds - Charentais, ORGANIC

Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. This famous French cantaloupe is known for its powerful, flowery and fruity perfume and for its thick, salmon-orange flesh that has a caramelized sugar flavor to...

Pickling Cucumber Seeds - Puerto Rico 39

Cucumis sativus We received our original seed stock from the USDA germiplasm repository, and loved how it performed in our trials. An abundant producer of light green, fairly straight cukes...

Lima Bean Seeds - King of the Garden (Pole)

Phaseolus lunatus   HEIRLOOM A vigorous variety of pole lima bean. Produces dark-green pods and creamy white beans that have a honey-like flavor. Vines grow to 10' long, so trellising...

Sorghum Seeds - Sugar Drip, ORGANIC

Sorghum bicolor ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM - Grows to 9-12' tall. One of the earliest maturing varieties for the South. Excellent syrup producer. SMALL FARM GROWN by Driftless Seed Co in Mabel,...

Cover Crop - Oilseed Sunflower

Helianthus annuus The Peredovik oilseed sunflower is not only beautiful, but also practical! By adding them to an existing crop rotation, pest problems such as corn borer or soybean cyst...

Asparagus Bean Seeds - Red Podded, ORGANIC

Vigna unguiculata Bright, vibrant red color that stays when cooked! Quicker to mature than the green Yard Longs, the Red Podded variety are delicious and crisp. Add them to your...