
Black Eyed Susan Vine Seeds


Thunbergia alata

Masses of blooms all summer and large, lush foliage that looks very full and bushy but never gets out of hand. Ideal for growing up through fences and gates, or up and over your mailbox. Works well in containers with a small trellis too, where its full habit makes an impressive display. The cheerful 1-2” blooms are prolific and visited by hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies alike. Petal colors range from bright-yellow to deep orange, with some, but not all of the blooms featuring the characteristic black eye. 1.5 gram packet contains a minimum of 25 seeds.

  • Planting Information


Min. seeds / packetPacket weightAverage seeds / ozDays to Harvest
1 g
Planting SeasonIdeal Soil TempSunFrost Tolerance
After Last Frost70-75°FFull SunFrost Sensitive
Sowing MethodSeed DepthDirect Seed SpacingSeeds Per Packet
Direct Seed1/2"4-6"40
Mature SpacingDays to SproutProduction CycleSeed Viability
6-12"5-21Annual3-4 years