Lactuca sativa ORGANIC. This lettuce has it all! Uniformity, color, and excellent resistance to bolting and disease! A Batavian-type that is non-heading with exceptionally large leaves that are delightfully crinkly...
Lactuca sativaGarnet-colored lobed leaf lettuce gives a visual counter-point to green lettuces in the garden and on the plate. Tasty and ornamental. Slow to bolt.
Lactuca sativaHEIRLOOM. ORGANIC. Cool season romaine type with sweet, buttery texture. Semi-open heads with deep-red outer leaves and green-bronze tipped inner leaves.
Lactuca sativa HEIRLOOM. An old heirloom with a most unique pigment pattern of bright red speckles on lime green buttery leaves. Heads are dense with pink patterned hearts that...
Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. This famous French cantaloupe is known for its powerful, flowery and fruity perfume and for its thick, salmon-orange flesh that has a caramelized sugar flavor to...
Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Oh, to be a melon and always have a heart of gold! The 4 lb fruit with thick orange flesh, sweet aroma, and full flavor grow...
Cucumis melo ORGANIC. A true melon classic, in our opinion there is nothing more heavenly than a home grown honeydew. Resembling nothing like what can be bought in the grocery...
Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. The exceptionally sweet Ridgeway Cantaloupe was a national celebrity during the early 20th century, proudly served at fine dining establishments up and down the East coast....
Corchorus olitorius ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM - A very important crop in Africa and the Middle East, eaten much like we use spinach. Molokhia LOVES heat, and we are excited to offer...
Brassica juncea ORGANIC. Heirloom. Cherokee Blue Mustard gets its name because it is a lovely deep purple-blue color when it is young. When the mustard is about a month old,...
Brassica juncea ORGANIC. Sure to be your new favorite leafy green, Komatsuna is sweet and tender, and very nutritious! Leaves are bright green and spoon-shaped, and hold up to frost quite...
Abelmoschus esculentus ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Striking red-orange pods make this Asian heirloom a true standout! This may be the only okra you'll ever want to grow again because of its heavy...
Solanum lycopersicum ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. It's easy to understand the enduring popularity of this variety - thick meaty fruit with a small seed cavity means more flavorful sauce with less work....
Solanum lycopersicum This contemporary heirloom is one of the most beautiful tomatoes around: their yellow speckles and stripes look almost painted on! Speckled Roman tomatoes have thick, meaty red flesh...
Phaseolus vulgaris ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Bertie Best was the aunt of legendary bean grower and seed saver Bill Best. Originating from Haywood County, NC, this bean is a short, round-podded greasy...
Phaseolus vulgaris ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Fortex Pole Beans produce long, slender, completely stringless French-style green beans abundantly on vigorous pole-habit plants. Beans are best harvested between seven and eleven inches. Prized for...
Phaseolus vulgaris ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Heirloom beans are widely named after family matriarchs, and this is a great example. The namesake of this bean is famous bean grower and seed saver...
Chenopodium quinoa ORGANIC. Stately plants with edible leaves and protein rich seeds. Quinoa is at home on dry mountain tops in South America where the nights stay cool, so expect...
Raphanus sativusORGANIC. Crisp and snappy-flavored with round, red-skinned roots and juicy white flesh. Good yields.
Cucumis meloORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Produces crisp, thin-skinned fruits that look and taste like cucumber, but are actually melons. Fruits are best harvested at 12-15".
Cucumis melo The longest cuke in our collection! Grow this tasty Asian variety up a trellis and be rewarded with 10-18" long sweet and crisp fruit that is nearly seedless....
Solanum lycopersicum ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. This legendary tomato is as large as a beefsteak, but bright green which progresses from the shoulders, with a hint of pale yellow and pink on...
Solanum lycopersicum ORGANIC. Robins Hail of Osceola, Missouri traded us these seeds, (as well as Bear Creek Okra) through SSE and we were SO impressed! High yields of 6-12 ounce,...
Solanum lycopersicum ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. This sunshine yellow variety is more full-flavored than most other yellows, with a tart and tangy balance to its sweetness and delicious flavor. Fruits are large...