Thyme Seeds, Wild

Thymus praecox The perfect creeping thyme for creating a scented walkway. Can be used for culinary purposes although it has a milder flavor than other thymes. For best growth, sow...

Amaranth Seeds - Montana Popping

Amaranthus hypochondriacus Montana Popping amaranth is a very productive, four to six-foot-tall variety with bright green leaves and dense, vibrant green flower heads. The young leaves are edible, and can...

Fava Bean Seeds - Aquadulce

Vicia faba HEIRLOOM. Give these heirloom beauties a long, cool season and they’ll produce loads of 12- to 16-inch long pods full of huge beans with rich flavor and a...

Quinoa Seeds - Brightest Brilliant Rainbow, ORGANIC

Chenopodium quinoa ORGANIC. Stately plants with edible leaves and protein rich seeds. Quinoa is at home on dry mountain tops in South America where the nights stay cool, so expect...

Asian Greens Seeds - Mizuna, Red Streaked

Brassica rapa Frilly red and green mottled leaves are a stand-out in the garden and on the plate. This more colorful and delicately-shaped variety of mizuna (also known as Japanese...

Winter Squash Seeds - Long Island Cheese

Cucurbita moschata HEIRLOOM. Named for its provenance (the Northeast) and its doppelganger (a wheel of cheese), this squash would prefer to be known for its wonderful pie-making. 6-10 lb fruits...

Zinnia Seeds - Persian Carpet

Zinnia haageana   A favorite for many gardeners. The 12-16" tall plants produce single and double flowers in varying shades of gold, burgundy, purple, red, orange, and cream. Will bloom...

Flint Corn Seeds - Pennsylvania Dutch Butter Flavored Popcorn, ORGANIC

Zea mays HEIRLOOM. Grow your own popcorn that’s so flavorful, you’ll hardly need butter! Growers widely agree that this is the best popcorn they’ve ever tasted. Vigorous, 8-foot-tall stalks produce...

Fava Bean Seeds - Sweet Lorane

Vicia faba This small-seeded fava has big flavor, fast cooking times, and no need to peel! The grower has selected this variety to contain less bitter tannin in its skin...

Watermelon Seeds - Moon and Stars Yellow

Citrullus lanatus HEIRLOOM. For the star gazers among us, which is to say everyone. This delicious variety has a moon and star speckled rind, but with a unique and tasty...

Winter Squash Seeds - Cushaw Green Striped

Cucurbita argyrosperma HEIRLOOM. Hailing from the Caribbean, this variety of Cushaw squash also goes by the name Tennessee Sweet Potato Squash and is part of the Slow Foods Ark of...

Winter Squash Seeds - Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato

Cucurbita pepo HEIRLOOM. Small acorn shaped fruit with deep ribbing. So delicious and well-loved, the Thelma Sanders squash is now part of the Slow Foods Ark of Taste! Fruit is...

Lima Bean Seeds - Shantyboat Butterbean

Phaseolus lunatus HEIRLOOM. Shantyboat Butterbean is very prolific and colorful as well, with mottled white and red seed coats. As tasty as it is beautiful! A pole variety that will...

Pole Bean Seeds - Turkey Craw

Phaseolus vulgaris HEIRLOOM - This variety came to us from outstanding then-teenage gardener Kyler Johnson, of Greeneville, TN. It is stringless and has excellent flavor as a snap bean or...

Pole Bean Seeds - Fatman

Phaseolus vulgaris HEIRLOOM -A large cornfield-type pole bean with large, round, white seeds. Fatman is a very heavy producer of tender and flavorful 5” pods on 6-7’ vines. There is...

Drying Bean Seeds - Marrowfat

Phaseolus vulgaris HEIRLOOM. The Marrowfat bean, also known as the White Egg bean, became popular in the mid 1800’s in part because of its creamy texture and bacon-like flavor. This...

Southern Pea Seeds - Piggot Pea

Vigna unguiculata HEIRLOOM -From seed stock originally obtained from the Bradshaw Collection at Clemson University, this lovely field pea is very productive and showed good drought resistance in our trials....

Okra Seeds - Sea Island Red

Abelmoschus esculentus HEIRLOOM - We received our seeds from Chris Smith who received them from Sarah Ross, UGA’s Center for Research & Education at Wormsloe who in turn had received...

Dent Corn Seeds - Jimmy Red

Zea mays HEIRLOOM. Jimmy Red corn is a rare American treasure. Once so rare it was only found on a few family farms, we are so happy to see it...

Okra Seeds - Bartley

Abelmoschus esculentus HEIRLOOM - An Arkansas heirloom from Hollis, AR. Original seed stock came from the Southern Seed Legacy. Excellent production and great flavor. 4-6′ green stemmed plants with red...

Summer Squash Seeds - Ronde de Nice

Cucurbita pepoHEIRLOOM. A stately French heirloom squash with round green and white mottled fruit. Pick when smaller than a baseball. Perfect for stuffing or serving cream of zucchini soup!

Sorghum Seeds - Black Amber Cane

Sorghum bicolorHEIRLOOM. One of the earliest molasses sorghums known. 6-8' stalks bear shiny black seeds and make fine brooms. A good intercrop for pole beans and peas.

Southern Pea Seeds - Mississippi Silver

Sold out for 2025 Vigna unguiculata HEIRLOOM. This Southern favorite produces heavy yields of 6" long silvery pale green pods that produce large brown cowpeas. Easy-to-pick, disease resistant and well...

Lima Bean Seeds - Dark Pot Liquor

Phaseolus lunatus HEIRLOOM. If you haven't experienced the culinary joy that is pot liquor yet, then you have yourself a weekend project! Referring to the liquid that is left over...