Helianthus annuus Striking, late blooming, multi-headed, two-tone flowers. Copper red centers fade to yellow petals with a lot of enjoyable variation. Good cutting flower and lovely ornamental. Plants grow 5-7'...
Centaurea cyanus A tall, brilliant blue, resilient flower. Plants grow 2-3' high and tolerate a range of growing conditons. Easy-to-grow, cut and dry. Plant 2 weeks before last frost. Good...
Calendula officinalis Large, double flowering blooms of yellow, orange, apricot with long stems that allow for easy flower cutting. Beautiful, delicious edible flower on 12-24" plants. Easy-to-grow by direct seed...
Zinnia elegans Dwarf zinnia that makes a show-stopping border! 1.5 inch single and double blooms in red, orange, pink, yellow, and white pop up like candy on low growing plants...
Helianthus annuus Magnificent 10" blooms with bright yellow petals on 2' tall plants. Excellent cut flower. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. Summer to fall blooming. Annual....
Chamaemelum nobile This evergreen forms a thick, 6" steppable mat of sweetly scented, finely-cut, bright green leaves with delicate flowers. Grows best if transplanted into well composted soil. Full sun....
Tagetes erecta Crackerjack marigolds are truly stunning! Plants grow 2-3 feet tall, have fern-like leaves, and boast profuse yellow and orange blooms that grow up to 4 inches in diameter. Blooms...
Helianthus annuus HEIRLOOM. The Lemon Queen Sunflower deserves their lemon tipped crown as a staple garden showstopper. These alluring poly-headed sunflowers thrive in the garden with five to six inch...
Anethum graveolens A vigorous variety that seeds readily. Popular for pickling. Plant can grow up to 4' tall if given the chance. One of the best producers of seed heads....
Helianthus annuus Add some Gothic drama to your garden! The Chocolate Cherry Sunflower has a deep range of color, from deep obsidian to rich chocolate, this resplendent show stopper is...
Tropaeolum nanum Flowers range in shades from pearly yellow to coral with sweet red centers, this variety has a stunning contrast between flower and foliage. Named for the dessert— peaches...
Ocimum basilicumThis ornamental herb is very fragrant and tasty. Used as a fresh garnish, for impressive salads and beautiful purple-colored vinegar. Sharper flavor than sweet basils.
Helianthus annuus Beautiful 5-6' tall plants. Velvety, multi-headed deep rust-colored 4-6" blooms with mahogany centers. Can be staked for support. Good fresh market cut flowers. Direct seed in full sun...
Amaranthus hypochondriacus ORGANIC. Enormous plumes of sunshine-colored seeds atop 6- to 7-foot-tall plants make Golden Giant both a striking ornamental and a source of nutritious food. This variety can be...
Zinnia elegans Let this all-red selection preside over the garden or in elegant bouquets. 3' plants steadily produce lipstick red double blooms all summer. Direct seed or transplant after last...
Callistephus chinensis HEIRLOOM. In a full spectrum of color, these old fashioned favorites add a bit of nostalgia to garden beds. Fragrant, long-blooming, and loved by all pollinators, Aster is...
Tagetes patula The highest amount of alpha-terthienyl in any marigold available. The trick to good success is to plant just the marigold in your target area for at least 2...
Amaranthus caudatus Gorgeous maroon draping flowers on 3-4' plants with edible green leaves. Often grown as an ornamental to hang over the garden fence or for bouquets. Full sun. Summer...
Helianthus annuus ORGANIC. Flower stalks can reach a whopping 14 feet tall in 4 months! Huge 16-18 inch heads bear some of the finest eating seeds we've tried. This sunflower...
Cosmos sulphureus Showy, graceful annual that grows to 3' tall with sunset-orange and yellow double flowers that attract butterflies. Direct seed after last frost in full sun for blooms from...
Zinnia elegans These cute, smaller, half-ball pom pom flowers come in a rainbow of colors. Plants grow 2-3' tall. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost has passed....
Tropaeolum nanum Flowers are a nice mix of yellow, crimson, orange, salmon, and cherry with equally striking variegated leaves. Flowers and leaves are both edible with a good, peppery taste....
Tagetes patula A French marigold variety. Bright yellow blooms with streaked mahogany centers. Plants have varying heights between 12-18" which creates an informal look in gardens. Summer to fall blooming....
Cleome hassleriana Also known as the Spider Flower, cleome plants are topped with interesting clusters of 4-8 in. wide, spindly flower heads that are LOVED by hummingbirds! Plants are deer...