Direct Seed

You can direct seed these varieties, after the last frost date for your zone.

Showing 49–64 of 64 results

Sunflower Seeds - Mammoth Grey Stripe

Helianthus annuus Long-blooming, large-headed, archetypal giant sunflower. Easy-to-grow. Sturdy 6-12' stalks with big yellow-petaled flowers. Often grown for their meaty seeds, good for roasting or bird seed. Direct seed in...

Sunflower Seeds - Mongolian Giant, ORGANIC

Helianthus annuus ORGANIC. Flower stalks can reach a whopping 14 feet tall in 4 months! Huge 16-18 inch heads bear some of the finest eating seeds we've tried. This sunflower...

Sunflower Seeds - Sunspot Dwarf

Helianthus annuus Magnificent 10" blooms with bright yellow petals on 2' tall plants. Excellent cut flower. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost. Summer to fall blooming. Annual....

Sunflower Seeds - Teddy Bear

Helianthus annuus Just about the cutest sunflower you could possibly grow! Darling golden yellow petals resemble the soft cuddly texture of a fuzzy teddy bear.Teddy Bear Sunflowers are a lovely...

Sunflower Seeds - Velvet Queen

Helianthus annuus Beautiful 5-6' tall plants. Velvety, multi-headed deep rust-colored 4-6" blooms with mahogany centers. Can be staked for support. Good fresh market cut flowers. Direct seed in full sun...

Tithonia Seeds - Mexican Sunflower

Tithonia rotundifolia A favorite for its long bloom-time. This 4-5' tall annual bears vibrant red-orange 2-3" flowers with yellow centers. Direct seed in full sun and evenly moist soil. Loves...

Zinnia Seeds - Cactus-Flowered Mix

Zinnia elegans Frilly, quilled petals on orange, pink, red, yellow, peach, and white flowers. Large 3-6" blooms grow on 2-3' plants. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost...

Zinnia Seeds - California Giants Mix

Zinnia elegans Grow more zinnia! Huge 5" blooms in an array of colors from pink to red to orange will attract all of the attention in a bouquet. Plants grow...

Zinnia Seeds - Cherry Queen

Zinnia elegans Let this all-red selection preside over the garden or in elegant bouquets. 3' plants steadily produce lipstick red double blooms all summer. Direct seed or transplant after last...

Zinnia Seeds - Lilliput Mix

Zinnia elegans These cute, smaller, half-ball pom pom flowers come in a rainbow of colors. Plants grow 2-3' tall. Direct seed in full sun after danger of frost has passed....

Zinnia Seeds - Persian Carpet

Zinnia haageana   A favorite for many gardeners. The 12-16" tall plants produce single and double flowers in varying shades of gold, burgundy, purple, red, orange, and cream. Will bloom...

Zinnia Seeds - State Fair Mix

Zinnia elegans A rainbow of large 4-5" red, orange, yellow, pink, and white blossoms that grow up to 3' tall! Direct seed or transplant after last frost in full sun....

Zinnia Seeds - Thumbelina Mix

Zinnia elegans Dwarf zinnia that makes a show-stopping border! 1.5 inch single and double blooms in red, orange, pink, yellow, and white pop up like candy on low growing plants...

Basil Seeds, Lime

Expected to be back in stock by March Ocimum americanum Tangy and refreshing citrus flavor is the hallmark of this variety. Use it to give gourmet flavor to fish and chicken...

Black Eyed Susan Vine Seeds

Availability date currently unknown Thunbergia alata Masses of blooms all summer and large, lush foliage that looks very full and bushy but never gets out of hand. Ideal for growing...

Calendula Seeds - Erfurter Orange

Calendula officinalis A calendula strain prized for its high oil content and commonly grown in Europe for commercial production. Expect high yields of bright orange blossoms on 18-24" plants. Full...