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Kohlrabi Seeds

Vegetable Seeds
Kohlrabi seems to take its shape from alien spacecraft. A pale green or deep purple stem plumps up into a perfect globe that sits atop the soil line and leaves radiate off, ready to take flight. Harvest the whole plant by slicing the tap root just at the soil line and separate the leaves from the globe for storage. Both parts can be eaten – the leaves cooked like collards or cabbage, while the bulbous stem is excellent shredded for slaw, roasted, baked, mashed, or curried. Nutrients: dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, phytochemicals.

Companions: beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, onions, spinach, nasturtium, cilantro.
Antagonists: fennel, pole beans, and tomatoes.

 *click product to see bulk sizes!

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