Mushroom Growing Supplies

Bulbs & Live Plants

Growing your own mushrooms is a perfect complement to the backyard food production system. When someone asks what they can grow in full shade, mushrooms are a great answer. Plugging a freshly felled limb or narrow trunk is an easy way to start. All mushroom plugs come with full instructions.

Showing all 11 results

Pink Oyster Spray and Grow Mushroom Kit

Organic Pink Oyster Spray and Grow Mushroom Fruiting Kit from North Spore.  About the kit: USDA-certified organic pink oyster mushroom kits are reliable producers and tend to yield large flushes...

Soy Wax For Mushroom Logs

Need some high quality, natural wax for your mushroom log inoculation project? Pick up a bag of our 100% soy wax! Each 1/4 lb. bag covers approximately 100 plugs.  

Mushroom Log Starter Kit

Whether you are a beginner yourself or know someone that is interested, this kit provides you with everything you will need to get started. You will receive one 5/16 inch...

Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation

For those who aspire to the self-sufficiency gained by generating and expanding spawn rather than purchasing it, Cotter covers lab techniques, including low-cost alternatives that make use of existing infrastructure...

Lions Mane Mushroom Plugs

Hericium erinaceus Produces large mushrooms with a delicate flavor and texture reminiscent of crab meat. Also known as monkey head mushroom, bearded tooth mushroom, satyr's beard, bearded hedgehog mushroom, pom...

Blue Oyster Mushroom Plugs

Pleurotus ostreatus var columbinus The Blue Oyster mushroom is a sub species of the Pearl Oyster that exhibits a notable blue-gray hue. The color contrast between the darker caps and...

Pearl (White) Oyster Mushroom Plugs

 Pleurotus ostreatus Called both White or Pearl Oyster. Pearl Oyster is one of the most popular mushrooms to grow at home. Its slight anise flavor pairs well with seafood and...

Red Reishi Mushroom Plugs

Ganoderma lucidum Produces beautiful burnt orange caps with a cream edge. The Japanese reishi is well known for its many traditional medicinal uses, called in many parts of the world...

Lion's Mane Spray and Grow Mushroom Kit

Organic Lion's Mane Spray and Grow Mushroom Fruiting Kit from North Spore.    About the kit: USDA-certified organic lion's mane mushroom kits are reliable producers and tend to yield large...

Shiitake Mushroom Plugs

Lentinula edodes A very tolerant and vigorous strain of the prized shiitake mushroom, known for its medicinal and culinary uses. Delicious, meaty flavor makes an excellent meat substitute when cooking....

Chicken of the Woods Mushroom Plugs

(Laetiporus sulphureus) Also known as "Sulphur Shelf," this is a favorite among many as a prized gourmet mushroom. It can be cultivated easily on stumps and buried logs. Fruits late...