Showing all 8 results

Paste Tomato Seeds - Amish Paste, ORGANIC

Solanum lycopersicum ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. It's easy to understand the enduring popularity of this variety - thick meaty fruit with a small seed cavity means more flavorful sauce with less work....

Gourd Seeds - Luffa

Luffa aegyptiaca HEIRLOOM. Luffa plants have so much more to offer than just bath sponges! Grow them for their ornamental, care-free, rampantly exuberant vines which produce lovely 2" yellow flowers...

Broccoli Seeds - Green Sprouting Calabrese

Brassica oleracea HEIRLOOM. This variety came to the United States in the late 1800s with Italian immigrants, and has been a favorite among gardeners ever since! Uniform plants produce a...

Artichoke Seeds - Green Globe

Cynara scolymus HEIRLOOM. The classic, most popular artichoke variety. Beautiful plants grow up to 6 feet tall with arching silver-green foliage. The large, edible flower buds grow to 3 to...

Sweet Pepper Seeds - Golden Greek Peperoncini

Capsicum annuum HEIRLOOM.  This variety is the pepper that is pickled for sandwich shops, salad bars, and pizza places all over the U.S. and might just be the most famous...

Pole Bean Seeds - Cherokee Trail of Tears

Phaseolus vulgaris HEIRLOOM The Cherokee Trail of Tears bean memorializes the forced relocation of the Cherokee Indians in the mid-nineteenth century. They carried this bean throughout this infamous walk, which...

Slicing Tomato Seeds - Black From Tula

Solanum lycopersicum HEIRLOOM. Rich, full flavor is great for slicing and canning. Produces large 8-12 oz. purplish brown fruits with green shoulders. The flavor is excellent - rich, sweet and...

Eggplant Seeds - Listada de Gandia, ORGANIC

Solanum melongena ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Elegant, oval-shaped white fruits with striking purple stripes make this Spanish eggplant a standout. The compact, 14-inch-tall plants thrive in very hot weather, and are prolific...