Rhubarb Crowns

Bulbs & Live Plants

Rhubarb Crowns will be available for pre-order in
January 2025.
Rhubarb Crowns generally ship in mid-march.

Rheum rhubarbarum
Originally from Asia, Rhubarb is a hardy perennial vegetable used as a fruit in desserts and jams. It conveniently matures at the same time as your strawberries, which is why they are often so famously paired together in pies. You only eat the stalks, the leaves of this plant are poisonous. Rhubarb plants feature large green leaves with bright edible red stalks and can grow up to 4' tall and wide.

Find our Rhubarb Crown Growing Guide here! 

Showing all 1 results

Rhubarb Crown, Crimson Red

Rheum rhubarbarum Originally from Asia, this beautiful hardy perennial vegetable features large green leaves with bright edible red stalks. Crimson Red Rhubarb has poisonous leaves but delicious rich and tart stalks...