Root Crops

Most root crops enjoy the cooler weather of spring and fall, with many of them developing a sweetness that is hard to achieve without a frost or two! Each of the crops in this collection can be direct sown. At Sow True Seed we like to sow our root crops a little thick and then thin the seedlings for a bonus microgreen crop and then a second later thinning to mature spacing will also yield some edible greens!
This collection includes: Beets, Carrots, Radish, Rutabaga and Turnips. 

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Radish Seeds - Halloween Mix

Raphanus sativus Purple, yellow, black, and white radishes are reminiscent of the spookiest time of year! They are sweet with a pleasant spice and best at about 1" in diameter.25...

White Bonita Sweet Potatoes, Organic

Pre-order Information Sweet Potato Slips will ship out early June 2024  Ipomoea batatas Heavy yields similar to the orange-fleshed 'Bonita' variety from which this white-fleshed cultivar was selected. White Bonita has...

$11.95 – $16.95 Select optionsSelect options