Seeds of Summer

These can be directly sown into the garden after all danger of frost has passed!

Showing all 9 results

Summer Squash Seeds - Black Beauty Zucchini, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo   ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Bush type plant produces high yields of straight green-nearly-black zucchini. A thin glossy skin gives way to creamy tasty flesh. Harvest when fruit is 6-8".

Summer Squash Seeds - Cocozelle Zucchini

Cucurbita pepo HEIRLOOM. Features slender fruits with light and dark-green stripes on smooth, thin skins. Outstanding flavor with a dense flesh. Harvest when less than 10" long.

Winter Squash Seeds - Table Queen Bush Acorn, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A great winter squash for a small garden! Compact bush plants grow 36" in diameter with 3-8 fruits per plant. Otherwise identical to Table Queen Acorn...

Melon Seeds - Honeydew, Green Flesh, ORGANIC

Cucumis melo ORGANIC. A true melon classic, in our opinion there is nothing more heavenly than a home grown honeydew. Resembling nothing like what can be bought in the grocery...

Summer Squash Seeds - Tromboncino

Cucurbita moschata HEIRLOOM. Tromboncino squash, also known as zucchetta, grow loooong necks which curl in fanciful shapes. Fruits are best when harvested at 8 to 18 inches long, and have a...

Summer Squash Seeds - Bennings Green Tint, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A heavy yielding patty pan squash which starts out pale green and changes to a smooth white finish when left on the plant. Excellent flavor and...

Castor Bean Seeds - Castor Bean Mix

Ricinus communis Fast-growing, stunning ornamental with huge star-shaped green and red leaves reaches 8-12'. Makes a tropical backdrop to many growing conditions. Moles are deterred by the natural toxins in...

Winter Squash Seeds - Cushaw Green Striped

Cucurbita argyrosperma HEIRLOOM. Hailing from the Caribbean, this variety of Cushaw squash also goes by the name Tennessee Sweet Potato Squash and is part of the Slow Foods Ark of...

Summer Squash Seeds - Ronde de Nice

Cucurbita pepo HEIRLOOM. A stately French heirloom squash with round green and white mottled fruit. Pick when smaller than a baseball. Perfect for stuffing or serving cream of zucchini soup!