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Sweet Potato Slips

Bulbs & Live Plants

Sweet Potato Slips will ship in early June, 2024!

Sweet potatoes, which are actually not potatoes at all but rather related to the morning glory! Sweet potatoes originated in Central America, and are a nutritious staple food in many regions of the world, especially Central America, Africa and the American South. They are a long-growing, warm weather plant, easy-to-grow where the climate allows for a 120 day growing season.
Sweet potatoes store well for much of the winter in cool, even temperatures and dry conditions. Their abundant, heart-shaped leaves are delicious greens as well, great for sautéing up mid-summer when there aren’t too many leafy greens around.
Just harvest a few from each to keep the roots developing.
Nutrients: beta carotene (very high), vitamins A, C, E, K, folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, manganese (very high), potassium, magnesium, phosphorous. 
Companion plants:  Beets, Salsify, and Parsnips.
Antagonists: Squash.

Find our Sweet Potato Growing Guide here! 

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