Garden Blog

How to Grow Celery

How to Grow Celery

Celery has a very long maturing time, and can be finicky about soil nutrients, but growing your own celery is easy when given enough time and compost! Growing your own is also very economical. When harvesting just what you need from the outside of the plants, they can continue to grow all season long. Here's what you need to know!

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Garden Blog

Work Day at Franny's Farm

Work Day at Franny's Farm

We had the joy of participating in an all-hands-on-deck work day out at Franny’s Farm a few weeks ago. We lent our hands to The Utopian Seed Project, a local non-profit organization focused on increasing food security through supporting crop diversity.

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Garden Blog

Recipes from the Harvest: Okra Seed Granola

Recipes from the Harvest: Okra Seed Granola

You notice your pods are almost ready to harvest and decide to give it just one more day, but then the summer rains set in! All thoughts of garden play are moved to the back of your mind and by the time you’re finally able to get outside without being drenched, those baby pods have grown some. Your perfect harvest has turned to huge fibrous pods. Sometimes okra grows so quickly that just missing a day or two can be the difference between young and tender versus big and woody.

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