Cover Crops

Supplies & Gifts

The benefits of cover cropping are plentiful and using them to their fullest potential can change everything about how you garden.

Cover Crops not only add nutrients and organic matter to your soil, some can help prevent erosion, break up clay soil, protect microorganisms, retain moisture, reduce weed pressure and their
flowers and foliage provide food and habitat for beneficial insects like pollinators, lady bugs, praying mantises. Find out more on how cover cropping can improve your garden here and start shopping below! 

Showing all 18 results

Cover Crop - Alfalfa

Medicago sativa Perennial, leguminous crop which is tap-rooted and very cold hardy. Its high protein and mineral content, and ability to grow back after cutting make it excellent for forage,...

$11.95 – $16.95 Select optionsSelect options

Cover Crop - Austrian Winter Pea

Pisum sativum High bio mass production and nitrogen fixation with good weed suppression. Fall planting for overwintering. Seeding rate of 3 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 100-120 lbs/acre broadcast....

Cover Crop - Buckwheat

Fagopyrum esculentum Very fast maturing, typically ready 6 to 8 weeks from planting. Great choice to hold top soil when there are some gaps in the vegetable planting schedules. Plant...

Cover Crop - Cover and Color Mix

The Cover and Color Mix is a very complex cover crop mix designed for maximum improvement in soil health and nutrient cycling. Use this mix to increase organic matter, penetrate...

Cover Crop - Crimson Clover

 Trifolium incarnatum For spring planting everywhere! In the South you can also plant in fall for overwintering. Great for supporting the bee population! Seeding rate of 1 lb per 1000...

Cover Crop - Dutch White Clover

Trifolium repens This low growing plant is an excellent choice for seeding under plants as a living mulch. Overwinters through zone 4, winter kills in colder regions. Plant in spring...

$12.95 – $69.95 Select optionsSelect options

Cover Crop - Fall Cover Mix

This combination of legumes, grass, small grain, broadleaf plants and brassicas work together to loosen topsoil, penetrate and loosen compacted soil and hardpan layers, increase soil aggregation and aeration, suppress...

Cover Crop - Hairy Vetch

Vicia villosa Very high bio mass production and nitrogen fixation. Excellent ability to suppress weeds. For spring or fall planting. Seeding rate of 1 lb per 1000 sq ft or...

Cover Crop - Nitro Radish

Raphanus sativus This radish's thick tuber and long taproot will penetrate hard soils and bring additional nutrients up from the subsoil. It has natural bio fumigant properties, with  the capability...

Cover Crop - Oats

Avena sativa Oats are a cool-season annual cereal grass that originated in the Fertile Crescent from its wild ancestor, Avena sterilis. Oats make a great cover crop whether you are looking...

Cover Crop - Oilseed Sunflower

Helianthus annuus The Peredovik oilseed sunflower is not only beautiful, but also practical! By adding them to an existing crop rotation, pest problems such as corn borer or soybean cyst...

Cover Crop - Over-Wintering Mix

A diverse cover crop mix that is great for late fall planting in order to retain nutrients and prevent erosion. It will continue growth and bloom in the spring, just...

Cover Crop - Phacelia

Phacelia tanacetifolia We started carrying Phacelia in a packet size last year, but the call for bulk cover crop sizes was loud! And for good reason, since there is no...

$12.95 – $39.95 Select optionsSelect options

Cover Crop - Raised Bed Mix

A mix of low growing cover crops chosen to improve soil health of raised beds. Includes: Oats, Buckwheat, Austrian Winter Pea, Hairy Vetch, Flax, Yellow Mustard, Radish, Phacelia – Will...

Cover Crop - Red Clover

Trifolium pratense A low-growing crop that is great to interseed with taller crops. It helps to create loamy topsoil, add nitrogen to the soil, and suppress weeds. Also has medicinal...

Cover Crop - Summer Cover Mix

A diverse mix to improve soil health and attract pollinators. Spring planting will yield summer flowers for cutting and crafts. This mix will prevent erosion, improve soil health, fix nitrogen,...

Cover Crop - Sunn Hemp

Crotalaria juncea Sunn Hemp has been grown in Asia and Europe for centuries, but has only recently been catching on in North America. With the ability to fix nitrogen and...

Cover Crop - Winter Rye

Secale cereale Winter Rye seed is excellent for fall planting even when it's too late to plant other cover crops because rye seed can germinate in cold soil. A rye...