Cucumber Seeds

Vegetable Seeds
These crisp juicy fruits seem to sit around lazily on the ground, just waiting to plucked because nothing quenches the thirst on a hot day in late July quite like a cucumber. While most people are familiar with the common dark green slicer cukes, they actually come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and even colors. Any cucumber can be pickled, but some varieties are bred for uniformity and girth and are specifically labeled for pickling. Slicers, which are mostly eaten fresh, are thinner and longer with some that can even grow up to two feet if given the opportunity. Nutrients: vitamins A, C, K, B6, folate, thiamin, potassium, magnesium.

Companions: bush beans, brassicas, eggplant, nasturtium, sunflowers and onions.
Antagonists: potatoes and sage.

Showing all 5 results

Pickling Cucumber Seeds - Puerto Rico 39

Cucumis sativus We received our original seed stock from the USDA germiplasm repository, and loved how it performed in our trials. An abundant producer of light green, fairly straight cukes...

Pickling Cucumber Seeds - Armstrong Early Cluster

Cucumis sativus Armstrong Early Cluster produces tiny, perfect pickling cucumbers that grow in clusters of two or three fruits together on these early and prolific plants! Crunchy, mild-flavored fruits are...

Pickling Cucumber Seeds - Bushy

Cucumis sativus The perfect pickle plant for smaller spaces. Compact bush plant takes half the space of standard vine types while producing medium green 4-5" crispy fruit. Sow two plantings...

Pickling Cucumber Seeds - Arkansas Little Leaf

Cucumis sativus Tasty 4" fruit is easy to find under the little leaves, making harvesting a snap! Compact plant grows well under a variety of conditions with high yields of...

Pickling Cucumber Seeds - Boston

Cucumis sativus HEIRLOOM. Pickle, pickle, pickle! Of course that's not the only way to eat a cucumber, but it's certainly a popular one. These smooth, bright green, 5-6" blunt-ended fruits...