Showing all 6 results

Amaranth Seeds- Hopi Red Dye

Amaranthus cruentus HEIRLOOM. Stunning burgundy leaves and seed heads make a beautiful back drop to any garden. Entire plant is edible including the tasty black seeds. Used ceremonially, as a...

Sorghum Seeds - Black Amber Cane

Sorghum bicolor HEIRLOOM. One of the earliest molasses sorghums known. 6-8' stalks bear shiny black seeds and make fine brooms. A good intercrop for pole beans and peas.

Sorghum Seeds - Hungarian Broomcorn

Sorghum bicolor HEIRLOOM. Traditional variety with long stems for making brooms. Fast growing plants grow to 7-10 feet tall. Hungarian Broomcorn's red seeds are edible. Plants are drought tolerant, thriving...

Sorghum Seeds - Sugar Drip, ORGANIC

Sorghum bicolor ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM - Grows to 9-12' tall. One of the earliest maturing varieties for the South. Excellent syrup producer. SMALL FARM GROWN by Driftless Seed Co in Mabel,...

Sorghum Seeds - White African

Sorghum bicolor HEIRLOOM. This sorghum was developed in South Africa and brought to the United States around 1850, where it was first known by the name “Enyama Imphee.” It was...

Sorghum Seeds - Coral

Sorghum bicolor ‘Coral’ sorghum, originally sourced from Experimental Farm Network, is a showy variety that is entering its third year of adaptation in Western North Carolina. Reliable for both grain...