Seeds of Summer

These can be directly sown into the garden after all danger of frost has passed!

Showing all 19 results

Summer Squash Seeds - Black Beauty Zucchini, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Bush type plant produces high yields of straight green-nearly-black zucchini. A thin glossy skin gives way to creamy tasty flesh. Harvest when fruit is 6-8".

Summer Squash Seeds - Early Summer Crookneck, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A popular bright yellow summer squash with a graceful arch in the neck. Harvest when skin is still pale yellow at 6-8" long for best flavor....

Beet Seeds - Detroit Dark Red, ORGANIC

Beta vulgaris ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Our most popular beet! A consistent producer for canning, juicing, pickling, or roasting, with uniform, 3-inch burgundy roots and bright green leaves. This old reliable heirloom...

Carrot Seeds - Scarlet Nantes, ORGANIC

Daucus carota HEIRLOOM. This classy and refined French heirloom is known for its cylindrical, blunt-tipped shape, as well as its fine-grained, nearly coreless texture and mild, sweet flavor. It has...

Bush Bean Seeds - Maxibel Haricot Vert, ORGANIC

Phaseolus vulgaris HEIRLOOM. Maxibel produces the classic slender and delicate French green beans known as haricots verts or filet beans in the world of gourmet cooking. An abundant, concentrated set...

Winter Squash Seeds - Table Queen Bush Acorn, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A great winter squash for a small garden! Compact bush plants grow 36" in diameter with 3-8 fruits per plant. Otherwise identical to Table Queen Acorn...

Bush Bean Seeds - Dragon Tongue, ORGANIC

Phaseolus vulgaris ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A fanciful name for a fanciful bean! This beautiful variety originated in the Netherlands in the 18th century, and we can see why it has endured...

Slicing Cucumber Seeds - Armenian, ORGANIC

Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Produces crisp, thin-skinned fruits that look and taste like cucumber, but are actually melons. Fruits are best harvested at 12-15". 

Melon Seeds - Hearts of Gold, ORGANIC

Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Oh, to be a melon and always have a heart of gold! The 4 lb fruit with thick orange flesh, sweet aroma, and full flavor grow...

Melon Seeds - Ridgeway Cantaloupe, ORGANIC

Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. The exceptionally sweet Ridgeway Cantaloupe was a national celebrity during the early 20th century, proudly served at fine dining establishments up and down the East coast....

Summer Squash Seeds - Bennings Green Tint, ORGANIC

Cucurbita pepo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. A heavy yielding patty pan squash which starts out pale green and changes to a smooth white finish when left on the plant. Excellent flavor and...

Melon Seeds - Charentais, ORGANIC

Cucumis melo ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. This famous French cantaloupe is known for its powerful, flowery and fruity perfume and for its thick, salmon-orange flesh that has a caramelized sugar flavor to...

Sorghum Seeds - Sugar Drip, ORGANIC

Sorghum bicolor ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM - Grows to 9-12' tall. One of the earliest maturing varieties for the South. Excellent syrup producer. SMALL FARM GROWN by Driftless Seed Co in Mabel,...

Okra Seeds - Jing Orange, ORGANIC

Abelmoschus esculentus ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Striking red-orange pods make this Asian heirloom a true standout! This may be the only okra you'll ever want to grow again because of its heavy...

Pole Bean Seeds - Bertie Best Greasy, ORGANIC

Phaseolus vulgaris ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Bertie Best was the aunt of legendary bean grower and seed saver Bill Best. Originating from Haywood County, NC, this bean is a short, round-podded greasy...

Watermelon Seeds - Mountain Sweet Yellow, ORGANIC

Citrullus lanatus HEIRLOOM. Mountain Sweet Yellow Watermelon is aptly named! This very sweet, yellow-fleshed fruit was developed in the Northeast from the well-loved red ‘Mountain Sweet’ watermelon. It gained popularity...

Flint Corn Seeds - Pennsylvania Dutch Butter Flavored Popcorn, ORGANIC

Zea mays HEIRLOOM. Grow your own popcorn that’s so flavorful, you’ll hardly need butter! Growers widely agree that this is the best popcorn they’ve ever tasted. Vigorous, 8-foot-tall stalks produce...

Pole Bean Seeds - Fortex, ORGANIC

Phaseolus vulgaris ORGANIC. HEIRLOOM. Fortex Pole Beans produce long, slender, completely stringless French-style green beans abundantly on vigorous pole-habit plants. Beans are best harvested between seven and eleven inches. Prized for...

Dent Corn Seeds - Tennessee Red Cob, ORGANIC

Zea mays HEIRLOOM. ORGANIC. Tennessee Red Cob Dent Corn is a Southern Heirloom organically grown in Virginia by Common Wealth Seed Growers. This beautiful soft white dent corn has a...