Eggplant Seed Packet Art
Moni Hill of Asheville, North Carolina was selected to design the artwork for our “Black Beauty” and “Long Purple” Eggplant packets.
What is your favorite vegetable to eat and why?
Greens. Any kind. With warm rice and a good dressing, I know I’m doing my body good!
What is your favorite vegetable to grow and why?
Tomatoes. Let’s just agree that they’re a vegetable. The smell of sunshine and rain coming from vibrant red flesh!
Why did you choose the medium you used for the packet design?
Natural wood for a natural simple design.
What is your favorite medium to work with and why?
Paint. I love putting color on surfaces!
Why were you excited about this project?
Growing food just might be the most important thing we can do as humans! The project combines my two greatest passions! Growing food and art!
What is your favorite flower and why?
The Poppy. Unabashedly beautiful during all the stages of its life!
Do you have anything else you want to share with potential customers?
I appreciate you! xo