Heirloom Seeds

All these varieties have been passed down through multiple generations of gardeners because of their outstanding qualities, whether that's amazing flavor, beautiful looks, disease resistance, storability, or vigorous growth and high yields. There is some debate in the seed world about what qualifies as an "heirloom" - at Sow True, we define "heirloom" as having been developed before the advent of industrial agriculture. All the varieties in this collection have been around since 1950 or earlier. Many of them date to the 19th century, and a few are even older!  Did you know that all heirloom seeds are open-pollinated, but not all open-pollinated seeds are heirlooms? Some great OP varieties were developed very recently.

Showing all 5 results

Amaranth Seeds - Red Garnet

Amaranthus cruentus Jewel-toned plants are best harvested young for tasty salad greens or to be sauteed like spinach. If grown to maturity, plants reach 6 to 8 feet tall and...

Amaranth Seeds- Hopi Red Dye

Amaranthus cruentus HEIRLOOM. Stunning burgundy leaves and seed heads make a beautiful back drop to any garden. Entire plant is edible including the tasty black seeds. Used ceremonially, as a...

Basil Seeds, Mrs. Burns Lemon

Ocimum basilicum HEIRLOOM. This chef's delight will thrill the basil lover in everyone. With an intense citrus flavor, this variety is more heat tolerant than other basils making it a...

Nasturtium Seeds - Empress of India

Tropaeolum nanum HEIRLOOM Lovely bright red flowers sit like jewels on deep green leaves. Both flowers and leaves are edible with a peppery watercress flavor. Bushy plants are a garden...

Summer Savory Seeds

Satureja hortensis A delicious and easy to grow herb that was once very popular and is now a well-kept secret. The spicy lavender flavor goes wonderfully with beans and salads....