Meet the Artists

Seed Artist Profile: Poppy & Sunflower by Elizabeth Singletary

Artist designed packet of Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower from Sow True Seed Asheville NC.

California Poppy &  Mammoth Grey Strip Sunflower

Elizabeth Singletary of Wilmington, NC was selected to design the seed packet artwork for the California Poppy and the Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower.


Artist designed packets of California Poppy from Sow True Seed Asheville NC.
Artist designed packet of Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower from Sow True Seed Asheville NC.



From the Artist:
“Nature is usually my inspiration so this was a great project for me!

I use torn pieces of magazine glued in a canvas to create my work. I refer to it as “painting with paper.”

See more of Elizabeth’s work:
