
Sprouting Seed - Wheat Berries, ORGANIC


ORGANIC. Sprouted wheat berries make delicious, chewy, nutty flavored gems that add texture to salads and can add extra nutrients to baked goods. Wheat Berries can also be grown as wheatgrasss, which can be juiced to create a nutrient packed drink or can be grown as Cat grass which can be used as a digestive aide to indoor cats. Sprout wheat berries in a jar for traditional sprouts or sow heavily onto flats or in small containers of soil and snip the grass sprouts as needed for juicing or leave out for cats to free feed. Seed weight: 225 grams/7.9 ounce 

  • How to Sprout Seeds in a Jar


  1. Start with one tablespoon of small seed or ¼ cup of a larger bean seed and see how that amount works for you.
  2. Do not make more than you can eat in 3 days.
  3. Soak for 8 to 12 hours in 4 parts warm water to 1 part seed.
  4. Drain off the soaking water and rinse seeds well.
  5. Set jar at an angle to allow water to drip out, while allowing air to circulate into the jar. A dish drain rack works great for this.
  6. Rinse and drain your sprouting seeds 3 to 4 times a day until they have reached your preferred length, 1 to 2 inches is a good size to start with. This will generally happen in 3 to 4 days.
  7. While growing, keep your jar at room temperature and out of direct sunlight.
  8. Rinse hulls to prevent fermentation by immersing in a large bowl of cool water and swirling your sprouts around. Hulls will float to the surface and you can skim them off. Hulls can also be left and eaten, as they are high in fiber.