
Golden Alexander Seeds


Zizia aurea 

Golden Alexanders is a wonderful native plant that every garden should have! Short-tongued insects love this plant since they are easily able to reach the nectar in the yellow flowers. Golden Alexanders have a long bloom time and once established can be one of the first varieties in the garden to flower. Golden Alexanders are also the host plant for black swallowtail butterflies. 

Golden Alexander seeds germinate best after cold stratification. Gently press seeds into soil surface, seeds should not be planted more than 1/4 inch deep.  Can grow up to three feet tall and plant spacing should be between one to two feet. Full sun / part shade. Perennial. 1 gram packet contains a minimum of 200 seeds.

  • Planting Information
  • Growing Information


Average Seed / ozSeed / 100' RowAverage Yield / 100' RowDays to Harvest
Planting SeasonIdeal Soil TempSunFrost Tolerance
After Last Frost70°FFull SunFrost Sensitive
Sowing MethodSeed DepthDirect Seed Spacing

Min. Seeds 

Per Packet

Transplant or Direct Seed1/8"12"200
Mature SpacingDays to SproutProduction CycleSeed Viability
12-24"21-30Perennial5-7 years


Bed Preparation


Goldenrod is very adaptable and will naturalize readily. Choose a site with full sun to partial shade.




Seeds need a period of cold, moist conditions for optimal germination. Direct sow outdoors in fall or stratify seed in a refrigerator for 8-12 weeks before sowing. Sow seeds ¼" deep and 4-6" apart. Seeds will sprout in 10-21 days. Thin seedlings so that mature plants are 12" apart.

Keep adequately moist for first year until plants become well established. Somewhat drought tolerant once established.




Harvest for cut flowers anytime, or leave for the pollinators!

Seed Saving


Goldenrod is a hardy perennial whose seed matures in late summer/fall. Seed is ready to harvest when dry and brown. Store seeds in a cool, dry place. Seeds are viable for 5-7 years.