Herb Seeds

Growing your own culinary and medicinal herbs is fun and easy and a great way to support your cooking. They often look beautiful and attract pollinators at the same time as being great to eat, or make salves, or tinctures, or teas. Many herbs are also well suited for container growing or indoor / window sill growing.

Showing 25–48 of 61 results

Cilantro Seeds, Slo-Bolting

Coriandrum sativum Great cilantro flavor, yet slower to bolt. Fresh leaves best harvested before flowering. Leaves are cilantro, seeds are coriander. Suitable for growing in containers. Easy to grow by...

Clary Sage Seeds

Salvia sclarea Large herb grows 3-5' tall with gorgeous purple and white flowers. Makes a dramatic backdrop to any garden. Flowers are extremely aromatic and are used in cookery, medicinally,...

Cumin Seeds

Cuminum cyminum An important spice internationally. 12-18" tall, this heat loving herb needs about 120 days of growing to obtain mature seeds. The seed has a warm, earthy, slightly bitter...

Dill Seeds, Bouquet

Anethum graveolens Dwarf variety only grows 3' high. Very aromatic and produces lots of flavorful leaves and seeds. Great companion to most plants and foods. Easy-to-grow. Direct seed in spring...

Dill Seeds, Dukat

Anethum graveolens High oil content creates a delicate fragrance and fine sweet leaves that hold well. Easy-to-grow dwarf variety grows 12-24" tall. Direct seed in spring or late summer. Moderately...

Dill Seeds, Mammoth Long Island

Anethum graveolens A vigorous variety that seeds readily. Popular for pickling. Plant can grow up to 4' tall if given the chance. One of the best producers of seed heads....

Fennel Seeds - Florence

Foeniculum vulgare Licorice-flavored bulb used as a vegetable with leaves, stalks and seeds as a culinary herb. Moderately frost-tolerant. Full sun. Annual.

Feverfew Seeds

Tanacetum parthenium Well known for many uses as an herbal remedy. Produces 24" plants with citrus-scented leaves and small daisy-like flowers. Easy-to-grow by direct seed or transplant. Full sun. Perennial...

Hyssop Seeds

Hyssopus officinalis Excellent beneficial insect attractant. Blooms in early summer with lavender blue flowers on bushy plants. Well known for its historical medicinal properties, lesser known for its once common...

Indigo Seeds, Japanese Indigo

Polygonum tinctorium The preferred variety for dye. A tender annual, indigo thrives in fertile soil and likes heat and humidity. When the  plants have grown 1' - 2' tall and...

Lavender Seeds - English (Vera)

Lavandula angustifolia The classic multi-purpose herb! Not only are the plants a lovely ornamental, you can use the dried flowers for arrangements, in aromatherapy applications, as a bug repellent, for...

Lemon Balm Seeds

Melissa officinalis Lemon scented leaves are used in many herbal preparations and to make a delicious tea. Plants reach 24" tall and spread very easily. Easy-to-grow by direct seed or...

Lovage Seeds

Levisticum officinale A fantastic edible, perennial landscape plant! Seeds, leaves and young stalks have a flavor similar to celery but more complex, with hints of anise, earning lovage the nickname...

Marjoram Seeds, Sweet

Origanum majorana Delicate, potent flavored leaves are a backbone of the kitchen. Direct seed or transplant after danger of frost. Full sun. Frost sensitive perennial.

Mullein Seeds

Verbascum thapsus Traditionally used to maintain healthy pulmonary systems, including moistening mucous membranes and as a soothing agent to support healthy throats, bronchi and lungs. Also used as a dye...

Oregano Seeds, Greek

Origanum vulgare hirtum No kitchen garden is complete without oregano! Aromatic delicious leaves accompany many favorite dishes. Also known for a wide variety of medicinal uses, including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory...

Parsley Seeds - Forest Green, ORGANIC

Petroselinum crispum ORGANIC. Finely cut, deeply crinkled and curled dark green leaves that do not fade yellow in summer. Vigorous growing 12" plants. Slow germinating seeds benefit from pre-soaking overnight...

Parsley Seeds - Hamburg Rooted

Petroselinum crispum Looks just like your favorite yummy parsley, with delicious leaves you can harvest anytime, but this variety hides a vitamin packed secret! Crisp and refreshing white roots can...

Parsley Seeds - Italian Giant

Petroselinum crispum Very flavorful parsley preferred by chefs. Slow germinating seeds benefit from pre-soaking overnight. Direct seed or transplant in spring or late summer. Moderately frost-tolerant.

Pennyroyal Seeds

Mentha pulegium Aromatic member of the mint family. Low-growing plant with long, creeping branches. Repels white flies and mosquitoes. Traditional medicinal and culinary uses but should not be taken by...

Purslane Seeds, Golden, ORGANIC

Portulaca oleracia While technically an herb, we eat Purslane as the powerhouse vegetable it is! A favorite of wild plant foragers, this delightful bright yellow-green succulent contains more omega-3 fatty...

Rue Seeds, Herb O'Grace

Ruta graveolens Also known as common rue, this herb is long loved for its medicinal properties, Rue shouldn't be discounted for also being a beautiful landscape plant. Compact, mounding plants...

Sage Seeds, Broad Leaf Culinary

Salvia officinalis   Savory culinary variety. Beautiful, silvery green foliage that lends the perfect flavor to so many dishes. Sow in containers and transplant in full sun to partial shade....

Sage Seeds, White

Salvia apiana Also known as bee sage or sacred sage, White Sage is an aromatic evergreen perennial herb Native Americans use to make smudge sticks. Bushy plants grow up to...